Saturday, February 25, 2012


The main purpose of my blog site is to have a place to compile genealogical research information, interesting websites, links and any other practical information that I learn along the way that may also be helpful to others.
I have several passions in my life.... my faith, my family & friends AND Genealogy.  I find that I have always been interested in our family history.  It was as a teen that I started compiling bits & pieces of information from my own parents and extended family.  It seems that since then, my life has been in fast-forward motion as I raised a family for many years and find myself at present trying make-up for lost time in research.
I have met and continue to meet many wonderful people in the world of Genealogy and am so grateful for the relationships.  I certainly hope to hear from others that are researching similar family lines... so please leave a comment.
I plan to share my own family research information for those family members that may be interested. 
This will be a learning experience, as I am not an experienced blogger, but hopefully it will be a fun ride along the way...
I am looking forward to hearing from YOU!


  1. Welcome to the GeneaBlogging community. I hope you make some cousin connections, and smash some brickwalls, too!

  2. Hi Heather,
    Thank you!!! I am excited at this new world of connections and dialogue.
