Showing posts with label females. Show all posts
Showing posts with label females. Show all posts

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Names — What’s in a Name?

Names — what’s in a name?  Well, sometimes... a lot. 
For instance, a name, whether it is a person or place, can crack the door wide open to some long-standing questions, or it can create even more twists and turns. And if you love mysteries, it may definitely not disappoint. In fact, I would venture to say you will have more than a few yarns to untangle throughout your research while searching for names.  

Of course, the caveat is to focus on the goal leading to new possibilities and discoveries, and not simply become name collectors, in the process.  

Why is it so hard to find the names to our ancestors. I’m sure you’ve discovered that some people are easier to find than others. Some pop up without hesitation while others are more elusive, and then there are those that you fear will never be revealed. However, even in the  most difficult circumstances, one discovers that it can often be a very simple deviance to your method or a random trial and error that works.  So, does the outcome justify the means?  Maybe, maybe not.. you will have to decide. 

And so, in our name quest, we cannot talk about names, or the difficulty of uncovering them, without bringing up the subject of our hidden female ancestors. Yes, you know, the ones that don’t seem to exist... anywhere.  

Well, I wish I had the keys to give you, with all the answers, but unfortunately, that doesn’t exist.  
Although, I can provide a suggestion here and there. Not what you want to hear, yet small, simple nuggets can help in surprising ways. 

A few tips... 
I cannot count the ways I have seen names entered into family trees, throughout all the well-known databases that we enjoy using. Many of these sites have world-wide platforms, and subscribers with varying levels of experience.  It’s all good, after all it is fun, and not everyone has hours to spend on research, nor are they studying to become a genealogist. Shocking, I know... but it’s true.
In fact, in my family I’m probably the only one that has an intense interest in genealogy and family history, where I could talk genealogy, hands down nonstop, all day. I know... can you relate??
And.. that’s ok too.  As I say, whatever floats your boat.  

With that said, it takes dedication and commitment to stay the course of the research.  And.. from a genealogical standpoint, it is important to use a genealogical standard. There are several resources on the subject. 

When adding women to your family tree always use their maiden name. 
One of the reasons women are hard to track in genealogy research, is that more often than not, we see the woman listed in a family tree with her married name despite the fact that the birth name is known and not used. Needless, to say, this makes it more difficult to find her birth parents, family and other pertinent information. In addition it is often, not always clear as to which name that appears in the tree is the birth or married surname, particularly in situations where the parents and, or the spouse is unknown.   
Of course, it is often the case, that only a married name is known. I would suggest to leave her surname blank until it is discovered in further research. 
Of course, it just requires a bit more legwork to pinpoint whether the name used is either a birth or married surname.  It is easier in our current time-frame to distinguish, thanks to the SSDI, than say, 100 years ago, when records were being introduced and established, depending on the state. 

It is only a tradition that women change their last name to their husband’s surname.  
Let’s explore a few things..  
In general, we know throughout history, that women were recognized legally, either through their husband, if married, or her father or older brother, if unmarried.  Historically, this trend originated from the transfer of property that took place when a woman married. Basically, a woman went from being part of her birth family to becoming her husbands’ property.  Sounds a bit archaic in our present day world, but nonetheless, that is historical fact. Yet, as I always say, there is always the possibility of an exception to the rule, however, for the most part, it was pretty much the rule.   It is an interesting subject that can be researched further, as this piece is not an in-depth study on the subject. 

Globally, it is more often the case, that women maintain their identity by keeping their birth surname regardless of marital status.  Obviously, as for research purposes, this allows for a much easier experience. 

In addition, when a woman has children, the children are also known by both surnames. They carry the father’s surname which is their primary, legal name and then the Mother’s surname comes second. You will find this practice in Spanish-speaking countries, primarily. 

Another caveat... Be certain you know which is the paternal and maternal surname
It is important to study the history and know the time-frame you are researching, as that practice was reversed at times, making it even more confusing. For example, the mother’s name was used first and then the father’s surname. Perhaps I will do a piece on the history of that practice in a future post. 

Although, this is not practiced in the United States, there are still ways to maintain your surname by becoming proactive to use it. I have reminded my daughters numerous times, of the importance of keeping their birth surnames after marriage, wherever possible.  You can take your husband’s surname.. just don’t lose your own in the process.  Keep your identity.. that is who you are.  A few obvious options that generally use your maiden name are driver’s licenses, legal papers, etc.  

Entering females on a Family tree
  1. Use the birth surname for the female.  Use the birth surname if it is known. Remember, that there is also a marriage entry, if it applies to her, that will obviously display her married name. 
  1. Leave it blank — If the birth surname and birth parents are unknown, my suggestion is to leave it blank. You can always fill it in later.  By leaving the surname blank, there is no confusion or guesswork as to who she is. Remember, in most cases, her married name will always be known through the husband. It is the birth name that is key and easier to lose.. as that is her identity. 
  1. Be consistent — When entering data on family trees, be consistent!  

And so it goes.. the search goes on.. and on.  Always looking for that one name that could turn the tide in our research. Remember, it will take time.. a long time.  It can be a lifetime commitment, illuminating the road to the past. The goal is to move forward, and not worry whether we are making giant steps or baby steps.

One more thing.. If you are interested in learning more about genealogical standards in your research, I will provide a few links at the end of this post.  I would highly suggest that you take advantage of the excellent learning resources Online that are available. They offer an invaluable education, not only to those of us working to become certified as a professional, but simply to further your own education as a more proficient researcher, to achieve better results in your own genealogical endeavors. 

There is so much to learn in life and so much to accomplish, and I have found, that it is when you learn proper methodologies, that it can help circumvent the trials and errors in achieving your goals. 

The point is that we be consistent in our work and press forward to make progress — as that is our end result.  🌳

Additional Resources: 
Boston University: 
Evidence Explained by Elizabeth Shown Mills: